Heraldry, Calligraphy & Illumination

More examples of hand written and painted Family Trees

Florey family tree The best material on which to write family trees is vellum. This is the carefully prepared skin of calves, sheep or goats and is a writing surface which preceeds paper and was used by medieval monks for their illuminated manuscripts. Skins of vellum take much preparation and there are few companies which still produce calf, sheep and goatskin vellum. It is quite costly but it's advantages over paper are considerable, it is much more durable and alterations can be easily made. The Florey family tree opposite is written on classic vellum which is vellum that has not been bleached white as has manuscript vellum. It therefore retains a lot of the original colour of the calfskin as can be seen from the variation in colour of the background. (Click on image for enlargement)

Section of a large family tree on manuscript vellum (actual size 80cm x 76cm) illustrated with coats of arms. The title is in Sharpened Gothic lettering and the remaining text is in Foundation Hand (see Lettering Styles). Manuscript vellum can be almost as white as paper and it is prepared for writing on both sides so that it can be used for book pages if required. (Click on image for view of whole chart) Williams Family Tree

Archer Family Tree A large family tree on manuscript vellum (size approximately 120 x 90cm) illustrated with coats of arms. The title and text are in Foundation Hand lettering.(Click on image for enlargement)

A direct line of descent genealogy through 33 generations. This chart is on vellum effect paper (size approximately 50 x 25cm). The title is in Sharpened Gothic lettering and text is in Foundation Hand. Arends Genealogy

Floral decoration is used for the title and bottom corners of this chart. The direct line of descent is highlighted in a thickened red line

Detsiny Family Tree

Family Tree with decorative border.

Woodhall Family Tree

A genealogy can be written in the shape of a tree with the names on branches and leaves.Family Tree in tree shape

For a quotation for the drawing up of your family tree please email or write to the address below. Hand written family trees can be constructed from as little as 4 generations to extensive charts going back hundreds of years. Pedigrees rolls can be created on large rolls of excellent archive quality paper up to 10 metres in length and 1.5 metres wide.

Marie Lynskey
109 Nutcroft Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, Surrey, England KT22 9LD